James Boettcher
James is the Custodian of Culture and Chief Idea Officer of one of the fastest-growing private companies in Canada.
Born and raised in Calgary, Canada, James knew that whatever his life’s work would turn out to be, doing good and having fun would need to be at the heart of it. Acquiring what would become Righteous with nothing more than a dream and a commitment to doing whatever it takes, James has ensured that his once small gelato company has become a force for good and the kind of company you would want your mom or dad to work for.
His disruptive vision, honesty in craft, and innovation has charted the course for their tremendous growth and success and earned the nod for several local and national awards including Top 40Under40, 2018 EY Entrepreneur Of The Year® and 2019 CANIE Entrepreneur of the Year.
A man of passion and enthusiasm, James is committed to building something that matters.